
20 year old girl sells her virginity for $400,000 to help raise money for her family after fire destroyed their house

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A woman is living at a brothel and selling her virginity as a way to help her family in the wake of a devastating house fire.
Katherine Stone told CNN in an interview: 'People say you are suppose to do it for love. But if you think about it, I am doing it because I love my family.'

A 2014 blaze ruined the 20-year-old's family residence in Seattle - and there was no insurance, according to the news outlet.

Now, Stone is living at a legal brothel in Nevada.

She told CNN that she saw a Facebook advertisement and, 'I found out all about the brothels and the money. It made me think, "Wow, it's a chance at fixing all that I need to fix."'

She said in the interview: 'I have the right to choose what I do with my body. And in this troubling economy, do you blame me?'

Stone contacted brothel owner Dennis Hof - who owns the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, among others - and he said yes to the deal, which involves him getting half of the bid, according to CNN.

Hof told the news outlet: 'It is her choice. I don't think it is a good idea for a girl to drink six tequilas and lose her virginity on the bathroom floor in a frat house...If she wants to [sell] it, I think that's great.'

Stone hasn't taken an offer yet, with her virginity bid at more than $400,000, according to the report.

She explained: 'I'm waiting for a man who I feel a connection with so that the experience can be special for both of us. It's really not just about the money.'

Stone told CNN she's under contract to offer men non-intercourse services, explaining: 'I have done small simple parties. Massage parties, stuff that has been very PG-13.'

Stone revealed: 'I anticipate to continue working at the ranch for the next five years. I plan to go to law school in the future.'

But some have criticized her decision, and she recalled to CNN: 'I read an article about myself online that made me cry. It was a Christian lady; she said I had no self-respect, which I disagree with completely. I mean, I obviously value myself.'
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